We will have a two-week, intensive music & art camp this summer! This summer camp is a culturally rich, educational, fun-filled and recreational quality summer program for children ages 6 to 10. In this camp, with the activities of piano, band, art and music appreciation, children develop skills for music and creative expression. on the final day of camp, students hold a piano recital and a band performance, along with an art exhibition of their best works.
Date: July 6- 17th Monday-Friday
Time: 9:00am – 1:00 pm
Age: 6-10
Tuition: $290
(NCMACC supports 40% of the fund for this summer camp, thus we are able to provide this affordable price.)
NCMACC 2015 Summer Music & Art Camp Daily Schedule
♦9:00-10:00 am Piano♦
This course emphasizes the importance of self-discipline in regular practicing and learning how to play compositions varying in styles and difficulty level. Each student will have to memorize 1 or 2 piano pieces for the end-program graduation ceremony.
♦10:00-11:00 am Band♦
Student will experience what it is like to perform together in a band. They’ll learn band etiquette as it applies to rehearsal and performance, equipment setup, team work, responsibility and more!
♥11:00-11:30 am Break♥
Students will have a short break to enjoy the snacks prepared by their parents.
♦11:30-12:15 pm Music Appreciation♦
This class covers the fundamentals of music theory. Each student will learn basic note reading, rhythm skills, and theoretical music background. This class also introduces major classical composers’ biographies, historical backgrounds, and exposes students to their most well-known compositions. This class is aimed at bringing students to a deeper understanding of music by exposing them to a wide range of music styles and music-related activities.
♦12:15-1:00 pm Art♦
This art class is a discovery of painting techniques, which includes structure, form, composition, color theory and the use of tools. Students are encouraged to express their own individuals’ styles and learn about other artists as well.
Space is limited. If you are interested, please email us at ncmacc@ncmacc.org for registration or inquiry, or visit us at 3938 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118.
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